Last modified 2024-11-06

C stuff

Back when I put together this part of my web site, I took regular part in the BSI C panel and sometimes attended WG14 meetings. I have written several papers. I was involved in the first major revision of the C Standard by WG14, from shortly after the work started right through to when WG14 completed its revision and published the new version (usually known as C99).

While the work was going on the document was called C9X. I administered the UK Public Comments for all Committee Drafts. I have also assembled a summary of changes to integer types in C9X (this may be slightly wrong; I planned to check it over sometime but never got round to it).

I attended the October 1997 meeting of WG14 and wrote a report on it.

From time to time I wrote potential Defect Reports for C99.


Back in 1994 I wrote a review of "The Annotated ANSI C Standard" by H.Schildt.


Also in 1994 I wrote two articles about topics in the C Standard .

Related items

1994 was clearly a busy year for my C interests: I also wrote a brief-ish description of BCPL, a language which is the grandparent of C (via the rarely seen "B").

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