Telephone numbers beginning 024

Telephone numbers beginning 024 are in central England. The charge group they belong to depends on the first two digits:

Charge group

The following numbers are local calls to and from this charge group

The following numbers are regional calls to and from this charge group

76 Coventry 01455 01675 01676 01788 01827
0116 0121 01283 01295 01299
01327 01384 01386 01509 01527
01530 01536 01543 01562 01564
01604 01608 01789 01858 01889
01902 01905 01922

All other calls are national calls.

024 has been introduced as a replacement for other numbers. The mapping was:

01203 AABBBB became 024 76AA BBBB

However, numbers only diallable using the full code changed as follows:

01203 UABBBB became 024 10UA BBBB

(where U is 0 or 1).

The new numbers were introduced by 1999-06-01 with parallel running until 2000-08-19. Dialling without codes involved a flash change early on 2000-04-22, with 6 digit dialling used before then and 8 digit dialling afterwards.

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