C stuff

I take regular part in the BSI C panel, and sometimes attend WG14 meetings. I have written several papers. WG14 has now completed its revision of the C Standard and the new version (known as C99) is published.

While the work was going on the document was called C9X. I administered the UK Public Comments for all Committee Drafts. I have also assembled a summary of changes to integer types in C9X (this may be slightly wrong; I need to check it over sometime).

I attended the October 1997 meeting of WG14 and wrote a report on it.

From time to time I write potential Defect Reports for C99.


Back in 1994 I wrote a review of "The Annotated ANSI C Standard" by H.Schildt.

Related items

Also back in 1994, I wrote a brief-ish description of BCPL, a language which is a direct ancestor of C.

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