London charge group

Telephone numbers beginning with 020 belong to the London charge group.

The following numbers are local calls to and from this charge group:
01322 01372 01689 01707 01708 01727 01737 01753 01784 01883 01895 01923 01932 01959 01992

The following numbers are regional calls to and from this charge group:
01245 01252 01268 01276 01277 01279 01293 01296 01306 01342 01344 01371 01375 01403 01438 01442 01462 01474 01483 01494 01525 01582 01622 01628 01634 01732 01825 01892 01920

All other calls are national calls.

020 has been introduced as a replacement for other numbers. The mapping was:

0171 AAA BBBB became 020 7AAA BBBB
0181 AAA BBBB became 020 8AAA BBBB

However, numbers only diallable using the full code changed as follows:

0171 UAA BBBB became 020 U1AA BBBB
0181 UAA BBBB became 020 U0AA BBBB

(where U is 0 or 1).

The new numbers were introduced by 1999-06-01 with parallel running until 2000-10-14. Dialling without codes involved a flash change early on 2000-04-22, with 7 digit dialling used before then and 8 digit dialling afterwards.

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