Durham, Newcastle-on-Tyne, and Sunderland charge groups

Telephone numbers beginning with 0191 belong to the Durham (numbers beginning 3), Newcastle-on-Tyne (numbers beginning 2, 4, and 6), and Sunderland (numbers beginning 5), charge groups.

All these charge groups are local to each other (that is, all 0191 numbers are local calls to and from each other). In addition, the following numbers are local or regional calls to and from at least one of these charge groups:

Newcastle-on-Tyne DurhamSunderland
(numbers beginning)2, 4, or 635
01207 LocalLocalRegional
01287 NationalRegionalRegional
01325 Regional
01388 (beginning 5) RegionalRegional Regional
01388 (other numbers) Local
01429 RegionalLocalLocal
01434 (beginning 2) RegionalNational National
01434 (beginning 3)
01434 (beginning 6) RegionalRegional
01609 NationalRegionalNational
01642 Regional
01661 LocalRegionalRegional
01665 RegionalNationalNational
01669 RegionalNationalRegional
01670 LocalRegionalRegional
01677 NationalRegionalNational
01740 RegionalLocalRegional
01748 NationalRegionalNational
01830 Regional
01833 Regional
01969 NationalRegionalNational

All other calls are national calls.

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