SC22/WG14 N781 J11/97/145 Correction to N764 (issues about time) Clive D.W. Feather 1997-10-09 Abstract -------- Part E of N764 turned out to be based on a fallacy. This document contains a new part E and consequential changes in part F. Part E ------ [Was N735 item 22] The only facilities for generating the time zone are a locale-specific specifier (%Z) in strftime(). However, ISO 8601 provides a standard numeric format which gives the offset from UTC: "+0100" is one hour east of Greenwich (British Summer Time, Western European Standard time) and "-0430" is four and a half hours west of Greenwich (Newfoundland Standard Time). Add the following conversion specifier to subclause (strftime()) paragraph 3: %z is replaced by the offset from UTC in the form "-0430" (meaning 4 hours 30 minutes behind UTC, west of Greenwich). This is the ISO 8601 format. Part F ------ [[Change the two paragraphs to be:]] If part E is accepted, add: %z [tm_isdst] If part H is accepted, then %z and %Z become %z [tm_utcoffset, tm_isdst, tm_xisdst]. %Z [tm_utcoffset, tm_isdst, tm_xisdst].